jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013


Some interesting questions for our project:
  1. If we have children of different level in the same class is better? Or of the same level? And children of different age? How  influences it in their development? And, how could we evaluate that?
  2. What is better, learn english in group or with individual activities?
  3. We think that we can`t obligate children to speak english but, how can we motivate and help children to express in that language? Normally in a class there are different level of english and in any language, how can we keep the atention of the children who have good level in english to learn the children who haven´t so good level? And vice versa?
  4. Are the films in english good tool to learn english in preschool? We have studied in literatura that for a child who knows to read the films in english language with subtitles in him language tongue are a good tool to learn it. But what happens with the children who don´t know to read the subtitles? Some researcher of this topic say that for get children used to the english is suitable, and other researches say, that watching films in a language that the children don´t know , the children only listen to noise. What have to do if we are  using a wrong tool? How can we know what is the appropiate tool to get our objective?

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