viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

First principles for the proyect

In this post, we are recollecting the principles and objectives to our proyect. We have to say that we complete this objectives we want for our project listening another classmates opinion. So this are the ideas we wont to do: 
 - We will have an space for english. In children education classes they've got "etxe txokoa", "jolas txokoa", "marrazteko txokoa"... and we will build another space for english in wich the only language will be english between the children and the activitys in this areas will be focus on learning this language and the culture and habits english people have, like the typical music, food, customs… 
- Apart from this, we think that this language learning has to be in a practical way, and children have to be happy in all the process with this learning form, and if it isn´t like this, we will changed the metodology. To be practical, we seem interesting, to do different plays, song... in english.
- Also not only teach with song, plays etc. We think that is very enriching using rituals. With this we want to say that we will use some songs, phrases, dancings... and make the most out of this ideas. 
- Working in litle groups. For example, give children time to speak between them in english. We think that the interaction between them assist the learning, because they share knowledge.
- It seems to be learning like a pleasure.
- Respect the rhythmn everyone has. 
- Colaborate with other teachers.
- Have flexibility with ALL.
- Learn experimenting, not only listening and remaining silent.
- The teacher have to motivate all the children, because it can happen that the children lose the interest. And this is the worst thing to learn a lenguage.
- Beliaving in children, they can achieve all they want so we have to believe that. 
- Based on children interests have them in a count to do different exercises, to motivated them at class. 
- Using school surroundings, like fish market, families etc to learn different vocabulary with the excuse to visit different places of the city. Is very enriching leave the school for some hours and visit another places, and if is to learn another lenguage much better. 

Also, they are some ideas that we don´t want to do:
- No taking in account the children interest and no respecting their rhythmn. 
- Have hurry to teach the most things of a lenguage. 
- Use boring methods to teach them.
- Learn lenguage only listening and remaining silent.

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