jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013



In this entrance we are going to speak about what have we learn till now seen the differents roll playing in class.

The principle idea we have changed is the form to speak to our students. We haven't realize that our english can be difficult and at the same time boring for them. This is something important to change and this is a good opportunity to start with it.

Sometimes, we also consider something as given, and it hasn´t to be like that. Even in the case of the children that they have less level than ours and it is important to explain simplily the activity, and to think on what the children know about this subject. For this, we must have the activitys focused on childrens age, because they can bored or lost in our class.

It is important to practice an activity before doing with children. And when it is the time to work in that activity the teachers can imit or explain with mimic that. It is interesting doing that, if we have in acount that the most of the children doens´t undersant english very good.

Related with the explanation, like we say, our english has to be simply, slow but with happyness. Even though we think that they have understood, we can made them questions to be sure. Then it will be time for children but the teacher has to be ready to help them. Besides you have to be able to answer questions children can have, we can´t get without helping them.

Focusing on different activitys we have seen, for example in someones that children has to sing, songs must be very simple, taken acount that they are in pre-school. We think that the activity will be better if it has some movements to dance.

In activitys to work in vocabulary, like we said in class, we will work specifically with pictures. However, in that pictures or objects we will put their names. For example in a home picure put "HOME" and in the box of the pictures put "PICTURES". 

But, like we say today in class, everyone has her/his principles, and he/she has to act according in that.

At the time we saw more roll-playing, we will write some other ideas. Big hug everybody!

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