jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013


In this entrance we will speak about our first ideas of our project. We have to say, that this ideas are provisional:
- Our project will be prepare to children between 5 and 6 years.
- To carry out this project we will focus in Arangoiti ikastola. It is a small school that localizate in Irunberri, a small village near Iruña. Here they teach in basque and they have a subject of english and spanish. 
- This school offers the option to study preschool and primary.
- We think that we will work about this village´s environment, because it offer a lot of posibilities to work different aspects, such as rivers, mountains, animals, colours, seasons...
-The school has a vegetable garden. Here the children can plant some natural food, like tomatoes, strawberrys... So we think that it is very good to transmit some values of the education which we want to transmit.

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