lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Exercises for de Uxue was born project

Considering that we are teachers in Zerain, we have prepared some activitys about the topic of new borns. Althought the topic is that, we will learn different aspects, such us different languages (basque and english), maths... We have prepared six different exercises considering that Uxue jaio da! project is for a children of different ages. Therefore, the our objective is the following: To work in class about babys.

Exercise 1:
Tittle: Preconceptions about babys.
Process: we will speak in class about newborns in Zerain,so the teacher will collect all the information that children says and what information they don`t know about babys. To do this activity, first of all, we will do some questions about babys to the children. For example: What do you know about babys? Have the babys need care or they are independents? What and how they feed?... Is important to say that this activity we will do in basque to take the more information that we can.

Exercise 2:
Tittle: Newborn´s parents from Zerain to our class
Process: To learn more about babys care the best is to know these in person. For this, we propose that newborn´s parents come to our classroom. In this way children could have the opportunity to interact with the baby. Also, they could hear mother´s explanation about baby´s care (how they feed, How much time they sleep, how they play, how change a nappy...). Also, we will do this activity in basque, in their mother tongue.

Exercise 3:
Tittle: Vocabulary
Process: After the first contact with babys, we will learn the follow vocabulary using different images.

- Haur txikia: Newborn, baby                         - Elikatu: Feed                                   
- Zainketa: Care                                             - Esnea: Milk                              
- Pardela: Nappy                                            - Jantzi: Wear                             
- Laztandu: Caress                                         - Zapatilak: Shoes                      
- Kaka: Poo                                                    - Kamiseta: T-shirt                     
- Pixa: Pee                                                     - Prakak: Jeans
- Biberoia: Baby bottle                                   - Pijama: pygama
- Txupetea: Dummy                                       - Lo egin: Sleep  
- Gorputza: Body                                           - Sehaska: Cradle
- Gorputz atalak: Body parts                         - Jolastu: Play
- Hankak: Legs                                              - Tamainia: Size
- Besoak: Arms                                              - Txikia: Small
- Burua: Head                                                - Ertaina: Medium
- Eskuak: Hands                                             - Handia: Big
- Oinak: Foots

Exercise 4:
Tittle: Different sizes: small, medium and big.
Process: To learn differents sizes we will use the comparation of a baby´s body parts and an adult´s body parts. As we have learned the vocabulary with the previous activity, firts of all, we will do this in basque and them, in english. 

Exercise 5:
Tittle: Sing a baby song
Process: To do this activity we will put a video which we could watch and hear a lullaby. The objective of that activity is learn this song and them go to newborn´s home to sing together. During a week more or less, in the final moment of the days every children with the teacher, in circle, we will learn the song. When we have learned, we will go to sing at home of newborn´s. 

Exercise 6:
Tittle: What´s inside?
Process: To finish with the new borns topic, we will work about Jeanne Ashbé´s What´s inside? story. That story we will tell in english and we will try to speak about it in english too. However, for a complete understanding, we will explain the storys message in basque.

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