miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013


In this text we have read about different methods of working with students, and this are ones we like to then into acount to our proyect. This are some methodologic propose, we like this because are interesting to be success:

- More than one teacher in each class and if it is no possible some voluntary people like parents,  grandparents, youth people of the school (for example in secondary grade) and any voluntary will be accepted. We think this is important not only to help the teacher with the children, also to interact and play with them, and have another example. It is rewarding for children.

- What it is named like interactive groups, it seems to be the best methodology and we like a lot because it consists on children who understand the materia have to explain children who doesn´t understand. So, it works with children like principal protagonist in their class.

- Another important idea that we think that is interesting is that older children go to little children´s classroom and teach them different things, like songs, reading, projects... One of our group see that in her practice. In that case, children of four or five years old came to the two years old children and narrate stories or another activities that were very enriching for the smallest children. With activities like this interact different ages children and we think that is very good for the development of every children. 

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