jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Good and bad elements learning lenguages

Hi again to everybody!!
Some weeks ago we talked about good and bad elements that have influence when it´s time to learn lenguages. In our group these are the elements that we mention:

Good elements:
- Learning with attractive methods, like songs, games...
- Practising the lenguage with different persons and environment.
- The teacher have to do everything that is in her hands to attrack the interest of students.
- The students have to realize that doing or saying something wrong is not bad, we also learn when we put one´s food in it.

Bad elements:
- Imposition words or grammar rules is not the way to teach a lenguage.
- No practising the lenguage out of school.
- Loosing the interest because of the teacher practice.

Also when we did this list of good and bad elements, we putted in common all the class all we spoke in little groups. These are some ideas:
- Is very good for learn lenguages to go abroad to another country for practising the local lenguage. For example, if we are learning english we can go to England to improve our english.
- We were a lot of time disscusing if another school subject in english is good or bad. Some schoolmates think that is not bad, but others said that isn´t worth it for anything.


Hi, we are Garazi Belaunzaran, Ane Burgete, Sonia Fernández and Idurre tolosa. It´s time to start writing in this blog!! First of all we are going to put a song. To everyone came to class at the beginning of this subject it can sound familiar. So let´s enjoy!!